Project Background
The state of Hesse aims to become climate neutral by 2045 at the latest. To achieve this, the new Hessian Act on the Promotion of Climate Protection and Adaptation to the Consequences of Climate Change (Hessisches Klimagesetz – HKlimaG) defined a new and increased climate target for 2030. The central basis for the further development of the Integrated Climate Protection Plan (IKSP) is the target of 65% greenhouse gas reductions in the state by 2030 compared to the base year 1990. This reduction target is composed of reduction targets for all greenhouse gas-relevant sectors (energy generation, households, trade and services, industry, transport, agriculture, waste and wastewater management).
Type and Scope of Services
Arepo was already commissioned by the State of Hesse in 2020 to determine possible sector targets within the framework of a study. In this project, Arepo updates the database for the calculation of the sector targets in 2030 for the new climate target of 65% compared to 1990, due to the changing framework conditions in Hesse and at EU and federal level. The results of this study will be used by the Hessian state government to legislate the state’s sectoral targets and adapt them to new regulations.
The study is conducted by Arepo in cooperation with the Lankwitz Institute for Technology and Environment (LITE). In order to determine the sub-targets, the existing climate policy requirements at EU, federal and state level are first examined, as well as the structural characteristics of the respective sector in Hesse. Then, plausible reduction targets are modelled for each sector for the year 2030 and it is shown how these targets can be achieved.