More electricity please. Scenarios for decarbonisation and electrification of the transport sector

Project Background

On behalf of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Arepo prepared a short study that presented the state of research on the question “How do we create the energy transition in the traffic sector in Germany?”. For this purpose, three scenarios were selected that show the range of technical options and action corridors:

  1. the scenario “Greenhouse gas-neutral Germany in 2050” of the Federal Environment Agency (2014),
  2. the “Decarbonization scenario 2035”, which the Wuppertal Institute in its study “Traffic Turnaround for Germany. The road to CO2-free mobility by 2035. “(2017) developed for Greenpeace, and
  3. the” 95-percent climate path” presented by the consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the economic research company Prognos in their study “Climatic paths for Germany” (2018) for the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI).

The paper was published in the series boell.brief “Grüne Ordnungspolitik” and served as the basis for a podium discussion in the Heinrich Böll Foundation with political decisionmakers.

Type and scope of services

The authors of Arepo conducted the analysis and wrote the entire study.