Arepo is commissioned by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) with the evaluation the Outcomes and Impact-Level Results of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (RPSP). The RPSP sets out to strengthen the institutional capacities of National Designated Authorities (NDAs), Focal Points (FPs), Accredited Direct Access Entities (DAEs) and organizations seeking accreditation in prioritizing, developing and implementing country-driven strategies and low-emission and climate-resilient interventions. Since its implementation more than six years ago, it covers over 600 grants with a total funding volume of USD 457 million in over 140 countries.
The evaluation of the RPSP has two key purposes: it shall provide accountability by assessing the outcome and impact results of the RPSP portfolio against the indicators from the newly adopted Readiness Results Management Framework (RRMF), and it shall provide insights into improving RPSP effectiveness and operationalization. With these objectives the evaluation is summative as well as formative. To support that Arepo will assess the achievements of the RPSP portfolio against the RRMF outcome and impact indicators and will also identify lessons learnt and best practices with regard to achieving outcomes and impacts.
In this classical institutional portfolio analysis with a focus on outcomes and impacts, information from various arenas needs to converge into the findings, lessons and recommendations.
The evaluation will be based on the five main OECD DAC criteria: Relevance for countries’ climate readiness needs, effectiveness in achieving the outcomes and impacts from the RRMF, coherence within the portfolio and with the readiness support from other organisations, impact with respect to enhanced resource mobilization and sustainability of the readiness support in the long run.
Arepo will work together with local consultants who will conduct the field visits. A peer review group will provide feedback and guidance on the evaluation products.