Preparation of a short study for the further development of the Integrated Climate Protection Plan Hesse 2025 – Calculation of the climate protection sector targets Hesse for 2030 and recommendation of measures to achieve the targets.

Project Background

The federal state of Hesse wants to become climate neutral by 2045 at the latest. To achieve this, Hessen is implementing the Integrated Climate Protection Plan Hessen 2025 (IKSP), which will be further developed from 2021. The central basis for the further development of the IKSP is the target of greenhouse gas reductions in the state by 55 % by 2030 compared to the base year 1990. This reduction target is made up of reduction targets for all greenhouse gas-relevant sectors (energy generation; households, commerce and services; industry; transport; agriculture; waste and wastewater).

Type and Scope of Services

Arepo had been commissioned by the State of Hesse to determine possible sector targets within the framework of a study and to justify them.
The results of the study will be used by the Hessian state government to legally define the state’s sector targets, but also as a basis for the further development of the ICSP measures.