Project Background
The International Climate Initiative (IKI) is funding more than 600 initiatives on climate mitigation, adaptation to climate change, conservation of carbon sinks and protection of biodiversity in developing and emerging countries. With several billions of Euros disbursed and several more allocated to projects, this is one of the biggest international efforts for funding climate action world wide. The technical areas covered by the projects cover transport and urban development, energy efficiency, renewable energy, agriculture and agriculture in developing countries and countries in transition worldwide.
Type and scope of services
The second evaluation cycle comprises about 200 projects that are ending up until 2019.
Arepo is responsible for about 60 project evaluations worldwide.
These projects are implemented by 20 different Implementing Organizations, including GIZ, KfW, DEG, TNC, several UN Organizations and many others.
In field visits and desk studies, we are applying the IKI evaluation concept to countries in the areas of energy, private sector, biodiversity, REDD+, and adaptation to climate change. The evaluation applies the OECD DAC criteria complemented by criteria for coherence and project management. As projects are completed, an important focus is not only accountability but also learning for the future and the extraction of lessons for the development of the portfolio. Arepo´s partners are adelphi, GOPA, FAKT and CEval.