Project Background
The Green Finance project was centered around the question how to promote green investments in Germany. The main goals were on one hand to quantify the financing requirements and to name the sectors playing a key role for the green transformation. On the other hand, financing instruments and concepts that could be suitable to finance the investments were identified. To achieve this innovative financing concepts and instruments found in other countries were analyzed and the team examined how they could be transferred into the German context, e.g. which political and regulatory criteria must be met. In the end, the project aimed to deliver empirically based, policy-relevant recommendations for the development of “Green Finance” in Germany, thereby assisting in pushing “Green Finance” from a niche market into the mainstream.
Type and scope of services
Arepo collaborated for this project with Ecologic Institute and Fraunhofer Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI). Arepo supported the identification of possible approaches for the longlist and carried out the in-depth analysis for three of the selected concepts. The focus was on the analysis of innovative approaches from non-European countries and the role of multilateral financial institutions, including the analysis of transferability to Germany.