Project Background
The Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH is the energy agency of the Free State of Saxony. As an independent competence and consulting centre, SAENA’s services are aimed at citizens, municipalities and companies in Saxony. SAENA specialises in renewable energies, energy efficiency, heating and mobility. SAENA’s services are diverse and include, for example, personal initial consultations, information brochures, guidelines, user-friendly model calculators and networking of stakeholders. With its activities, SAENA aims to achieve concrete and measurable effects in the transformation process towards a low-carbon energy supply and utilisation in Saxony. It is therefore a central concern of SAENA to make the corresponding effects measurable.
Together with the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW), Arepo developed a concept for measuring the impact of SAENA. The aim of the project was to develop impact indicators that reflect the overall impact of SAENA. As part of the project, Arepo and the IÖW analysed the impact indicators of comparable institutions with similar characteristics to those of SAENA. In addition, suitable impact indicators for the SAENA were identified by analysing the SAENA’s impact model. For the final selection of impact indicators, the operationalisation of the indicators was defined in an Excel tool. The results are summarised in a final concept that serves as the basis for SAENA’s long-term impact measurement.