The Call for Expressions of Interest (EoI) to the current round of financing of the Renewable Energy Integration Program has been met with a large interest and participation from countries around the world. Overall, 54 EoIs were submitted to the CIF Administrative Unit, for due consideration of the program. Of these, 50 EoIs were country-specific and 4 were Regional Programs (including at least three countries each). Overall, 60 REI Program-eligible countries participated. Dr. Christine Woerlen was one of 6 international experts who applied the criteria of the programme proposal to the submissions in an independent and robust evaluation methodology. Together, the experts produced a report to the Trust Fund Committee as a basis for decision-making.
The purpose of the program is to:
- Support Governments in establishing suitable policies and an enabling environment that will increase the uptake of flexible energy systems and integrate more variable renewable energy into the grid.
- Help develop their institutional capacity to plan and sustainably manage flexible energy systems.
- Mobilize public and private capital to integrate renewables into power systems in a way that maintains safety, reliability, and security of energy supply.
- Promote an increased uptake in energy access, reduce the total cost of energy systems and foster innovation by supporting early-stage ventures, technologies, and business models with high impact potential.