Stefan Dauwe

As Managing Director, Stefan Dauwe is responsible for the internal organization, human resources, and finance. In addition, he drives Arepo’s strategic business development.

Mr. Dauwe has many years of management experience both in the political consulting business and in the media and communications industry. 

Before joining Arepo, he launched a consulting business for the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in 2011. As Managing Director of DGAP Consulting he advised international companies and banks on political and economic developments in their foreign markets for the following 11 years. To this end, he worked closely with leading foreign affairs and security policy experts from DGAP and its international networks.

In his DGAP Consulting projects Stefan Dauwe also dealt intensively with energy and climate policy issues, e.g. developing study projects and long-term monitorings which shed more light on the political framework conditions for renewable energies in Eastern Europe, the MENA region, and Asia.

Previouly, Mr Dauwe developed and implemented a business plan for DGAP to take over the publishing business of Internationale Politik (IP), Germany’s leading foreign affairs journal. After graduating in business administration, he had already learned the publishing and communications industry from the bottom up in positions as an account manager at the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather (Düssedorf) and as advertising manager at publishing house DuMont (Cologne). Mr. Dauwe was also able to live out his special interest in culture and travel during his seven years at DuMont. For two years he additionally worked as head of film license trading for the publishing subsidiary Foxton Entertainment. DuMont also offered him the opportunity to take a one-year sabbatical. He used this for a backpacking trip around the globe ­ with extensive stays in India and South America.

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