At Arepo Gisa Holzhausen conducts research and provides consultancy services with a special focus on climate friendly and renewable energy policy in international cooperation.
In her previous position as advisor for the German International Development Organization (GIZ), Gisa supported the implementation of the GIZ Renewable Energy Project Development Programme (PEP) in Thailand. The programme was part of the “renewables – Made in Germany” initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and aimed at promoting renewable energy deployment in the Southeast Asian region via the facilitation of business partnerships between German and Southeast Asian companies, exchange of know-how and capacity building. In this position, she consulted the Thai Ministry of Energy and other public stakeholders regarding a sustainable renewable energy market development. In addition, she planned and moderated workshops and conferences with up to 200 participants. She also coordinated the establishment of a GIZ training hub for Southeast Asia.
From 2009 to 2011, Gisa worked as a student research assistant for Arepo. During this time, she supported the evaluation of the German Climate Initiative with particular focus on the directive for municipalities. In addition, she collaborated in a study that analysed the export promotion activities of the USTDA.
During an internship at the Heinrich Boell Foundation North America in Washington, D.C. she published an analysis of the U.S. climate and energy bill under the supervision of Arne Jungjohann.
Gisa studied North American Studies, Political Science and Communication Science at the Free University of Berlin. She completed her Master’s degree with a policy analysis of the conflict between environmental and oil interests concerning oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.
After living and working abroad for several years e.g. in the U.S., Thailand, Morocco and Portugal, Gisa speaks English and French, and can make herself understood in Spanish, Portuguese and Thai.
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